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I love to buy fresh produce. The only problem is that I don't get through it in enough time to actually use it all before it goes bad. So you have 4 options. 1. Use it like crazy. If you are resourceful enough to use those ingredients in several dishes, more power to you! 2. Can it. I don't have the time, nor have I ever done this by myself. With canning you need to be really careful. You can kill someone if you don't do it right. You have to kill the bacteria! 3. Freeze them! But you have to do it right! 5. End up wasting your vegetation. 
So I opt to freeze my vegetables. I don't plan well enough to get through the vegetation like I should. When you freeze vegetables you can't just pop them into the freezer. You have to Blanch and Shock. This is super easy! You just  slightly cook the prepped vegetables in boiling water, no more than a minute or two, until slightly tender then put them into an ice bath to stop the cooking. When you boil the vegetables their colors are so bright and brilliant  Blanching and shocking the vegetables help to keep the dignity of the colors and composition of the vegetables. Without doing this they'll be mush, dull, and not awesome. When freezing you can freeze them on a cookie sheet or sheet pan so that when you transfer them into a bag they don't clump! Now I have wonderful vegetables that I can pop into the oven and have dinner in minutes! Tomorrow night I will have to get the potatoes done before the go bad. I know I've been gone for a while so be sure to check the recipe page for new additions!

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